Woman, forget the past, that was your fear. Now is what is real. In the old ways we were always dying for her love, living alone for his...
I am someone who
Loves very strongly,
very fully, indeed.
Which one of you
will open so widely,
so deeply,
as this?
Woman, forget the past,
that was your fear.
Now is what is real.
In the old ways
we were always
dying for her love,
living alone for his.
Something may have
been born into eternity
out of such a union,
But that way is past,
and a new way
must be found.
So many journeys, through
so many mistakes, and
so many forms,
we have been deeply,
and passionately
in love.
Somewhere in
the midst of
this stillness we are,
there is that which
will once again
breath us
more deeply
into one, rekindle
all the joy, passion
and intimacy
we have known,
over and over,
so many lifetimes.
And when we
are finally ready,
love will also teach
us how to nurture,
and remember.
She forgot
who we were
when we began
this journey of
One, and the call we
have come back
together through,
so many times, and
now once again,
in this lifetime
to answer.
The one eternal
task all who
are here in form
are truly about,
to forge a
shared vessel
large enough
and strong enough
to contain and express
the vastness, light,
heat and power
of One
real, true,
~ John Fridinger
Santa Cruz, CA
Summer, 1993