I want to share out here in the open something I wrote in a comment to someone on their FB page who, somehow in the midst of my own wild, extremely radical and by some opinions outrageous life, still remains a family connection...
YES, you have a right to your opinions... AND, the way you talk (and vote) also influences others around you, perhaps even other people who also haven't yet found the freedom (or interest) to form their own examined, researched and considered opinions...
The point is to NOT to be calling or voting for laws or lawmakers who only want to literally FORCE "your" opinions (which happen to coincide with "some" of their opinions) onto others, via laws that ONLY "respect" your opinions, and/or the "opinions" of the so-called lawmakers...
THAT is what the racist and rightwing christian nationalist and so-called MAGA lawmakers are doing in Louisiana, and in a lot of other regressive so-called "red" states as well...
Including passing laws that take away women's autonomy over their own bodies and lives, and laws against teaching in our schools a lot of things that people NEED to become able to know and understand in order to form well and accurately informed opinions and beliefs... Repeat, ACCURATELY informed opinions and beliefs...
When you only listen to mainstream media, no matter whether you think it is "left" or 'right," your opinions are only going to be in-formed by what the owners and determiners of mainstream media WANT you to to believe, or in other words, what THEY want YOUR opinions to be...
You are not seriously, as far as I can tell or see, and with mainstream TV probably running in your house near 24/7 (figuratively speaking), if it is still how I remember it, looking for anything other than what that same ruling class media has been feeding you for literally decades now, and more and more on steroids so to speak (aka in spades) since as you say the 1970s... In fact...
And it is the ruling class owners of all of that, and their oligarch associates in all of the myriad other OWNED institutions, corporations, and yes owned lawmaking and law-enforcing and military bodies across the land and around the globe, who are the actual primary causes and enforcers of all the actual disruption you are concerned about since the 1970s... The same owners and their scientists who literally KNEW in the 1970s(!) that burning fossil fuels would bring about disastrous climate change, FOR INSTANCE, and yet kept it from you and everyone in the mainstream until just recently, in the scale of things... And STILL attempt to deny it... Repeat, for instance... All so that they could and can continue to gain profit and power...
But you gotta want to step out of that closet they have put you into, no one can open the door but you, because it is only there blocking you from seeing beyond all the obscuring paintings on the closet wall because you still want to believe all of that...
It is your own beliefs, in other words, that they have closeted you in with, beliefs they control via the mainstream media you are conditioned to not ever look beyond...
It is comfortable in that closet in other words, and really scary and confusing to consider all the paintings on the wall may not be real after all...
And that is what the ones who are destroying our communities and our cultures and our planet, for more and more mere power and profit, count on, that it is too scary and confusing to you and all the many others who keep believing what they tell you...
Do understand, the oligarchs and rulers and owners own and control both Biden and Trump, and every other politician who needs multiple millions of dollars to get elected and stay in office...
But that door out of the closet ONLY opens from the side you are on...
And it opens simply by you being willing to learn from directions and from sources that the mainstream media and their owners do not want you to even know exist...
The world has been changing rapidly since the 1970s, including that there are now way over twice the humans on our planet than there was then... Repeat, waaaay over twice... All the ways we lived on this planet and in our local bioregions then do not even slightly work now...
But the rulers and owners want to stay in power and keep owning and controlling and "profiting," and so they do not want things to change in ANY of the REAL ways they NEED to change now...
There are approaching three thousand billionaires in the world now... In 1970 there were about a dozen... One billion equals one thousand millions... And some individual people now have hundreds of billions...
The world needs to rapidly and radically change, or it is going to be LITERALLY destroyed by greed and power egos and human hubris... If you care about your kids and grandkids then you need to be willing to get on the right side of some of this and learn for yourself how to nudge things in some good directions...
From there, where you are, not from where I am at... Learn from there, looking in some new ways, and not here where my words are now coming from... Therein lies your true freedom, and the possibilities of some true freedom for your kids and grandkids... By actual example...
While there's still time...
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