Nuanced Fluid Counter Movements...
Something different will emerge THROUGH all of that patriarchal empire insanity, when there are enough of us around the world with a deep sense of this other nuanced and fluid "direction" or movement.
Written to someone elsewhere, adapted for here...
Dear Michael,
We are maybe not too far apart, though I tend to see this larger terrain you are pointing to as more nuanced and fluid than your words seem to imply...?
Julian Assange's current situation, re your reference, not to mention his last dozen years in the Ecuadoran embassy and Belmarsh prison, is a travesty... That the Biden Administration continues long term U.S. efforts to extend and expand that travesty is part and parcel with what U.S. empire has been doing in bloody extremis for a couple centuries... And as a U.S. citizen I am most directly concerned with what my own bloody government is doing...
I don't see what I will simplistically refer to as all the "base nefarious efforts and extreme destructive tendencies of empire" any differently, no matter that its myriad ugly and extremis heads, spread all around the world, have a U.S. "Liberal" or "Conservative" face, a UK Tories or Labour face, a Chinese CCP face, the face of Putin's ONF, the European Union, or the face of so many empire wannabes, like the Israeli Zionists and Likud, the North Korean WPK, and all sorts of other even more secondary empire wannabes on every continent and subcontinent these days...
No matter the face, they are all the same horrible alienation and extremist identities lost in terribly delusional beliefs of separation...
What I do see, through all of that, are many possible counter directions, so to speak, all sort of interconnected in a sense by what we are reaching for, which is something totally contrary to the darkness that has now virtually taken over our whole human believed world... Some of which, this what I'm calling here counter-directions, at different times and as personal and world circumstances evolve, I am choosing as much as I can to lend my meager efforts towards... Always and again, as said, nuanced and fluid...
Like – Julian being set finally and fully free, the bombing, killing, blockade and genocide ended NOW in Gaza, apartheid ended in Palestine and Palestinians free from the river to the sea, a free and independent Ukraine people, colonialism ended everywhere, all people responsible for murder, genocide and other atrocities fully prosecuted, this prosecution including Israelis and Israeli administration officials, Russian officials and oligarchs including Putin, U.S. administration officials both past and present including Biden, UK administration officials, Ukrainians, and on and on and on... All of them... And, well, Insha'Allah...
But I don't act from merely my wishes or even expectations in these regards... Instead, with some nudges and challenges, here and there, as much as I am personally able, from this place where I find myself these days… A place that is in alignment with a larger direction or counter movement I believe many of us are reaching to become part of...
We become part of this movement by allowing it to move us and then through that allowing or willingness joining our energies and awareness to it... It really is that simple...
And to keep repeating, in the midst of a deeply aware, nuanced and fluid terrain, or environment... A possibility that is founded upon, if it is genuine, exactly wherever each one of us individually begins to realize that we are all that same awareness...
U.S. corporate media is useful only as a way to see both what the ruling classes want the U.S population to believe, some of "how" they are trying to implement and spin their efforts, all the while in the midst of all their own ruling class conflicts, competition and infighting, AND, this sorta between the lines to some significant degree, what "they" are really thinking and believing...
And, it always amazes me just how stupid the power and profit ruling classes are, beyond their own very short term power and profit interests coupled with some extremely diminished personal horizons...
This "direction" I am pointing to is an actual counter movement to all of that empire... "Empire" as in patriarchy, hierarchy, capitalism, transnational corporations, oligarchs, ruling classes, technology placed before and over people and life, profit rather than interconnections and exchange, power rather than evolution, on and on and bloody on... With fear and extremis delusional ideologies of separation as the god-awful guiding "religion" of all of that...
This counter movement or direction is also nuanced and fluid, alive, part of the terrain, and of course still evolving, and really needs to be constantly examining and questioning itself, or it will eventually, merely and always, find itself serving the intents and purposes of exactly the very same things it wishes to counter...
For it (we), of course and naturally, are born into this same alienated made-up human world, and have inherited a lot of the same alienation and separation ideologies that are part and parcel to what I describe a couple paragraphs above... And so we can have a strong tendency to be merely reactionary, rather than proactive and creative...
Again and again, in the midst of a fluid, nuanced and aware terrain... Fluid and nuanced being aspects of the central character of our earth's natural systems as well as the universe, or we might say consciousness, source of all....
Self defense is understandable and sometimes necessary, of course, whether it be in the Middle East or Ukraine, and/or whenever and wherever it is appropriate... But it needs to be only and ever a step or immediate response to an acute and always evolving situation... And most especially acted out in awareness of, and to, a larger nuanced and fluid terrain...
In the end, violence, by itself, especially when it is not in aware and conscious service to something greater, will always eventually begat more violence, beliefs in separation, and alienation... Something greater again being this sense, movement, or direction I am repeatedly alluding to here...
Something different will emerge THROUGH all of that patriarchal empire insanity, when there are enough of us around the world with a deep sense of this other nuanced and fluid "direction" or movement...
All the while as that old way of things, aka patriarchy, empire, etc., is busily destroying itself... How much of the rest of us that destruction takes with it, no knowing, not to mention life on our planet, etc., etc...
But this something "new" (and ancient), again, nuanced and fluid direction or movement as I keep calling it, will not emerge through all of that empire and insanity, IF it allows reactionary ways to dominate it...
If that backlash keeps happening it will not become a something "new" here in our human journey... Instead it will be a rather more ugly yet replication of all our old human beliefs, with merely more and more different appearances or faces... AKA just more patriarchy and empire, worse than ever...
I also maintain an extensive alternatives media and perspectives links list here, for some ways of looking past empire's imposed and extremely distorted and self-interested perspectives, in case you or others are interested...