Crimes against Humanity
Something I wrote in a FB group I administrate that I want to share here...
Netanyahu is a war criminal and butcher... And so is everyone in his "war" cabinet, aka Yoav Gallant, Benny Gantz, Ron Dermer and Gadi Eizenkot...
And so is EVERY Israeli pilot who knowingly drops a bomb on civilian populations predominantly made up of women, children and old people... And so is every Israeli soldier, politician, Zionist and Israeli citizen who knowingly fires or supports and enables the firing of artillery rounds, missiles, bullets and other various explosive and phosphorus devices onto and into civilian populations of predominantly women, children and old people...
And so is every military bulldozer operator who rolls over and drags under the earth and rubble helpless people injured by all the above, as happened at Kamal Adwan Hospital- And every IDF officer who orders and/or allows any and all of these actions…
In every modern western military there is a requirement for every soldier to refuse an illegal command... In the U.S. Military it is written in what is called the UCMJ... Every concentration camp guard, SS person and Nazi officer tried for war crimes during the Nuremberg Trials was convicted in part because of this now very explicit and world-wide expectation...
Every Russian soldier in Ukraine who has killed and raped civilians, kidnapped children, and committed other war crimes is now being charged, even if in absentia, wherever they can be identified, crimes against humanity whose definitions and details have been strengthened and expanded upon since the Nuremberg Trials...
Every Israeli citizen, and as well as every U.S. citizen and government official and every other world citizen, who revels in and supports this murder, genocide and destruction of a whole nation of people are to some varying degree accomplices to these crimes... Even those who keep silent and turned away in the very face of it are to some degree accomplices in these crimes...
There is some credible understanding as well as evidence that approximately a third of (non-Palestinian) Israeli citizens are reveling in and supporting this ongoing horror... Very similar to the third in the U.S. who identifies as MAGA or MAGA aligned... Interesting that "they" have that much power and influence in Israel now...? And so how will it be if the very same/similar (MAGA) insanity gains that much power here in the U.S...?
And be very clear it is BIDEN and the bloody DNC who are defeating themselves in the polls... And will be the ones who defeated themselves in November if that is what happens... Just as they defeated themselves in 2016... NOT those of us who are calling Biden and the DNC out for the insanities they are getting ever more and more lost in... It is THEIR neoliberal actions and inactions right NOW that are defeating them...
And all the so-called "liberals" who keep burying their heads in the sand, not wanting to rock the boat that keeps their affluence, influence, elevated class, and abstract "distances" from the horrors seemingly intact...
Our very own right now present day "liberal" government and its current administration are culpable accomplices in the very same murder, genocide and displacement of a whole nation of people as the Israeli government is... And not just now but for many decades our U.S. government and its succeeding administrations have been culpable accomplices in apartheid and a slow(er) genocide and murder of the Palestinian people, right there along side the Zionists and the UK....
And so is everyone who goes along without speaking up culpable, whether it be in Israel, in our country, or in Europe... JUST as the German citizens who kept quiet during the years of the Holocaust were culpable... And MOST especially during the earlier years when there was still some chance of turning it around...
And so here we are again, in the early years of a holocaust, that, if we do not NOW SPEAK as well as ACT up, will eventually become a world wide horror, making what the Nazis did in the 20th century seem rather mild in comparison...
A so-called "liberal" "Democratic" (DNC) U.S. administration is now financing, arming, and politically, militarily and diplomatically defending and supporting a genocide... It has also now begun bombing ANOTHER country, Yemen, as it continues to act in myriad other ways so as to bring us ever closer and closer to a hugely widening war in the Middle East...
Netanyahu clearly (and even openly by his actions) wants to keep the "war" (genocide) going in part so he can stay in office... What are "our" DNC Democrats as well as Republicans doing now, that is much if any different from this...? And all with the help of the corporate media including the NYT, WaPo and CNN, etc... WHAT exactly are their underlying motives, as diverse and fractured as they may or may not be...?
Talent, Oregon
Winter 2024
A third comment from me to someone in a FB group:
All of what is happening in the Middle East and Palestine and Yemen, in regards to U.S. actions and activities, diplomatically and militarily and including the continual and constant transfer of arms and munitions to the IDF, and even U.S. military personnel helping to identify targets in Gaza, AND U.S. support of Israeli actions and contrariness at the U.N. and at the recent ICJ hearings, is totally Biden and his hand picked administration...
Biden is the Commander in Chief of all of that, militarily and diplomatically... Blinken and the state department is under and subject to the dictates of Biden, and so is our military...
That many in congress support this insanity and would act in even worse ways, at the urgings of AIPAC who contribute many millions every year to their campaigns, and that another god forbid Trump administration would act in even FURTHER worse ways, makes what the Biden administration's current actions and inactions in these regards (and some others) NO LESS egregious...
It is Biden who can turn it around... No one else... And it is Biden who is destroying his chances against the fascists winning the white house, in less than a year now... And maybe even both houses of congress...
god forbid indeed...
A second comment from me to someone in a FB group responding to this:
I'm a little careful about sticking my hand out to those who will bite it off at the shoulder... And there are many many out there like that, gathering around the MAGA flag... Do I hate them...? No... But I know they are deeply misinformed and conditioned around some beliefs they are unable and/or unwilling to separate their own identities from...
So I mostly don't waste my time, other than calling both the MAGAs and the neoliberals out... Until something in them begins to wake up a little bit, and starts looking for something different... I am totally here for that... To discover that difference together...
Just like a half wolf dog I once had, when it was still just a little pup, I was careful with where I put my hands until it was able to learn that I was not other than it...
And that is one of the differences between humans and critters... Humans can for as long as they choose keep willfully believing everything and everyone is other than "it"... The one meta-belief or delusion near all humans seem to share... That we are separate... Otherwise there could be no wars... And no homelessness either...
But, here I am, my hand out and open to you, and my heart laid bare to everyone in this group who bothers to look, around this latest Nakba or catastrophe for the Palestinian people... And not just emotionally, also deeply reasoned and informed...
"Liberal" is not just an identity with walls around it, for me... As if our identities are like boxes, or mere bodies... It is and once was a way of actual being that extends beyond our limited forms, as part of how we interact and engage with each other... Just as "conservative" once was...
So liberal is not a bad word for me... But, those who surround themselves with that term, like a box, so that they can ignore the world around them, and it has become a rather small globe we and a zillion other species are all on these days, it is them I am calling out... And maybe occasionally poking a little hole or two in their boxes...
And I am especially calling out Biden, as much as I can, across the huge interstellar distance he keeps around him and his beliefs and identity... A Biden Administration that is hiding behind as well as manipulating that liberal label in spades, so as to keep doing the insanity they are doing...
Which will, more than ANYTHING else, allow Trump and the fascists to win in November...
Just like I call out the MAGA hate...