By Becoming Us...
All of life on Earth is actually also becoming conscious with us, as us, and through us….
Starting with Richard Rohr’s; “God loves us by becoming us...”
As beautiful as these words are in their most obvious meaning, I believe they also include some deeper dimensions of understanding that many people are not yet able (or prepared) to hear…?
I believe they are also saying that God, and therefore the actuality and power of God’s Love, which is not separate from or other than God, is all about becoming conscious of Herself through, and as, humans…
And because all of this ever extending, unfolding, multidimensional existence is circular as well as directional (think of an ever widening extending spiral that is not just of time and space but of larger dimensions as well), these words, that “God loves us by becoming us,” are also all about us, through God, becoming conscious participants in this very incredible and rather amazing play of life that we are all of us a part of, beginning right here on our very own planet we call Earth, revolving around a star we call the Sun, in a galaxy we call the Milky Way…
And that, by the very nature of what is, however much we attempt to name and therefore limit our very own sourceless and boundaryless source, we are all together this infinitely and eternally interconnected and interdependent manifest existence itself…
All of life on Earth is actually also becoming conscious with us, as us, and through us…. Or, and perhaps most simply, this gift of God to us humans is actually also God’s gift to all of life here on Earth…
Buddha said it this way; “I and ALL sentient existence has awakened…”
In other words, through each one of us, through all of us, and through all these infinitely unfolding ways that life on Earth is coming into and out of form, we are called to share, dance, play, sing, and in so many other myriad ways, collectively share the experience of what is actually a limitless, multidimensional journey of awakening into and as Love…
Not merely share it with each other, but also share it in consciousness with all living beings, all sentient existence, all form, all meaning, all expression, on every level and in every degree and detail, transforming all our made up beliefs in darkness and separation into light, creation, love, relationship…
And even in the face of ALL the insanity we see all around us and in the world these days, THIS love or gift of God remains true…
Every individual, every relationship, and every collective expression of Goddess being unique in these ways, and yet it is always the same One God, loving Herself into a more and more inclusive awareness of the infinite diversity of what is all also the same One that we also are…
The biblical and Christian ideas of God having become human through Jesus and therefore the arisen Christ, that aspect of humanity that has never not been of Goddess, are actually pointing to, in some form or another, and no matter how obscured by trappings, exactly what is trying to be said here…
Though it seems very few of us here in this made-up world of separation really gets it…
And the great gift of God is that it is always our Choice, our very own Freedom, as extensions of God, Goddess, to allow it to happen, or not… Allow God to become us, become this that we always and already are, and have only forgotten…
God becomes our own becoming in Goddess’s own time and ways… Each becoming, as I am calling it here, unique, yet we are always this same One becoming… Similarities, reflections and parallels overflowing, soooo many ways of recognizing each other, here in the midst of this journey of the many as One and the One as many…
My love of Goddess is God’s love of me…
THIS is really what Jesus meant when he told us to give it all away and follow him… Allow God to love us by becoming us…
Let go of everything we believe, be still, and wait forever, for this that we actually always and already are…
Reality is prior to all time and space… As in Jesus’s words, “I am before Abraham was…”
~ John Fridinger
Spring, 2022
Talent, OR