ANOTHER open letter to Bernardo Kastrup
Regarding a youtube discussion titled "What happens to consciousness when clocks stop? | Bernard Carr & Bernardo Kastrup"
I made an in-depth comment on Bernardo’s Facebook page under the post he made of the above mentioned youtube discussion, and Bernardo quickly deleted my comment and blocked me from his page completely… And so he is as I have always hoped and wished he wasn’t, merely another patriarch busily climbing the intertwined and presently very loudly creaking ladders of western empire…
And so now my comment is here, exactamente as it was there…
Bernardo Kastrup
This ALL continues to be words, separation identities (aka ego) and concepts, still grasping upon delusional beliefs that they are active and most importantly "evolving" separate things, in and of themselves...
In other words just another of the countless efforts thriving in the academic and scholarly circles you hang around in, to become ever more distinct as separate entities...
Or in other words an effort to somehow prove all of you "exist" ever more firmly within your mutually reinforcing and spinning (rather than spiraling), imaginings regarding a "something" that clearly has at least some effects upon all these concepts of yours...
And yet as always a something you can neither freely move within nor encompass while you remain in the belief you are primarily these seeming "other" separate-from-each-other "things" called body-minds...
A "something" which your projections, reactions, conceptualizations and unique subjective experiences are agreeing to call "time"... With "forever" now become merely more time than you can imagine, measure, conceptualize or agree upon...
All this pretense of words, mathematical equations and arbitrary "measurements" of concepts, inventions and contraptions with other concepts, inventions and contraptions... All of which always and forever leads to merely more blah blah concepts, inventions and contraptions...
A collection of interchanging actors and audiences who are seemingly, for as long as you keep believing you exist as separate entities, joined in your common delusional quest to make whole what has never nor ever could be apart... All the while as you continually and forever "figure out" all the many ways you can that you are "not really" separate...
Even to a point of giving what you are calling in the conversation "now" (which in certain non-dual teachings is a pointing to what is prior to all time, language and dimensions) an actual measurement or number...
An onward and continual effort to capture and contain what cannot be captured and contained because, simply and most ordinarily of all, it is already what we have always and never not been...
What an incredible hubris it all continues to be...
What is THIS, when ALL that CEASES, knowing and knower NOW, never was apart, One whole spiraling dance in, of and as itself, suddenly and FULLY realizing, IT is so...?
Just, simply and ordinarily,
I'm only and always trying to nudge you Bernardo, not tear you down... Do you and your amazing mind really want to be a part of the healing of all this insanity that is now literally and very practically destroying our actual whole world, or do you merely want to be a more important and prominent "part" of the insanity, as it continues to destroy itself and pretty nearly all of life and creation as we know it...?
I feel sorta like a bee trying to nudge a bear up the mountain when I am addressing you... 🙃
My words from an exchange I had with a friend about this, as a postscript… Edited…
Bernardo is just using the ideas of non-duality and consciousness-first, and also using people seriously efforting in these ways, to give him some validation in exchange for him giving them some validation, all in order to, as I have always hoped and wished he wasn’t, to further his own efforts as merely another patriarch busily climbing the intertwined and presently very loudly creaking ladders of western empire…
He is a perfect example of the way western patriarchal empire has always absorbed any questioning of its very existence back into itself, making the question itself merely now another part of the buttresses of the same old western patriarchal empire… Bernardo is changing nothing real in that extremely encrusted establishment…
Otherwise he would welcome the kind of questioning I and others similar attempt to bring into the realms he is maneuvering within… Instead he is just another male defending and repelling other mere “males” and similar actors from his domains, as he sees them… Notice that he is seldom if ever (I remember none) in a dialog with new women thinkers…
And so for me he is NOT a fellow human on a shared human journey… Instead just another no different - just merely appearing and acting as a more “enlightened” version of the same - as always it has been in western patriarchal empire… For him as all of them who a part of establishments and empire it is all a win-loose, zero sum reality… They are just as much why wars happen as politicians and capitalists are…
Bernardo has now thoroughly bought into the rewards of empire… I’ve seen it coming for a long time, and have kept trying to believe otherwise…
My words from a further text exchange about this:
I’ve been following Bernardo in depth since he first came on the radar and even before, back when he was first interacting with Rupert Spira…
If you cannot see where and how I am pointing, and if it really matters to you, then you need to look deeper and with more questions rather than merely desires to believe someone “special” can change the “mind” (zeitgeist) of a thousand year old western establishment empire that has survived and expanded by absorbing into itself patriarch people like Bernardo via rewards and fame, and killing people like me (and you? aka witches?)…
And so again notice he does not engage with people he cannot either destroy via the engagement (immediately or eventually), or who agree enough with him that he can gain some more prestige from the engagement… And that he does NOT engage with new women thinkers… In other words he is an old style patriarch, meaning he cannot share a “stage” equally with women, and/or, as a fine old style (inhibited) “gentleman” he cannot ‘destroy” a woman…
Again, go look DEEPLY into all this for yourself, and find where I am pointing or not… For yourself…