An Open Message to Charles Eisenstein
Response to his 10.14.21 "Time to Push" essay...
Been watching you since your beginnings, when you were seeing a few things truly, moved by what was apparently a sincere desire to seek further into truth, and share that experience, conversation or journey with others…
And then watching as you began to get side tracked more and more, and more and more, mixing your now fading glimpses of truth into more and more of your own fantasies, beliefs, conditioning and attachments, mistaking your head for an objective perspective upon what are merely your own projections, and which you actually seemed, and still seem, to believe is the world around you…
Appearances, seen through the mists of your own unique journey, are not the truth…
You are no different now than any trumpist or neorepublican, as you double down more and more on your fantasies, illusions, projections, disinformation and misinformation, all the while as you keep trying to set your thinking and projections apart, like they are special, and you are special because they are…
Your previous message really took the cake, and now this latest one (10.14.21) adds a slew of new delusional layers to it…
My advice, for what it is worth and to whatever part of you that may still be conscious enough to remember your own true desire for the truth, is to stop writing and give up both your followings and followers…
Go be alone, really, really alone, long enough that ALL of that falls away, and you are left to face everything all your writings and words and projections are trying so hard to get away from, within yourself…
For you, that won’t happen in a few days, weeks, or months even…  But it will happen, if you give yourself to it, long enough…  Always remembering that time is just another invention…
There is a profound saying I will paraphrase –  You cannot bring truth to illusion, or in other words you cannot make illusion true…  But you can bring illusion to truth, where it will be seen for what it is, an illusion, a mirage or mist that quickly evaporates into the nothing it really is, in the light of the sun…
Go be alone…  Find the light of your own true nature, the truth of you in other words, and slowly let ALL your illusions die in that light…  There is no human action on earth that takes more conscious, real, actual courage than this…
~ John Fridinger
Talent, OR
Fall, 2021